
Appreciate ist eine digitale Single von Dark Sunrise. Geschrieben und komponiert wurde der Song von Matt Powell.

Hintergrund und Entstehung

Der Song ist ein Tribut an die engsten Freunde von Powell. Er will damit ihre besondere Bedeutung und den Einfluss, den sie auf sein Leben nehmen, hervorheben. Schon in der Vergangenheit erklärte Powell in verschiedenen Interviews, dass die Unterstützung und Loyalität seiner Freunde ihm geholfen haben, sowohl persönliche als auch berufliche Herausforderungen zu meistern.


(Verse 1)
In the shadows of the night, when the world feels cold,
When the weight of the world is too much to hold.
I find my strength, I find my light,
In the faces of friends who make it all right.

Through the storms and the rain, you’re my shelter, my place,
In a world that’s so fleeting, you’re my saving grace.

I appreciate, all the love that you give,
In a world that’s uncertain, you teach me to live.
When I’m lost in the dark, you’re the stars in my sky,
With you by my side, I know I can fly.
I appreciate, more than words can convey,
With your friendship and love, I can face each new day.

(Verse 2)
When the road’s full of thorns and the journey’s tough,
You remind me of courage, you show me I’m enough.
In the echoes of doubt, when I can’t find my way,
You’re the voice in my heart, guiding me to stay.

Through the highs and the lows, you’re my constant, my truth,
In a life full of changes, I can count on you.

I appreciate, all the love that you give,
In a world that’s uncertain, you teach me to live.
When I’m lost in the dark, you’re the stars in my sky,
With you by my side, I know I can fly.
I appreciate, more than words can convey,
With your friendship and love, I can face each new day.

We’ve built this bond, unbreakable and strong,
In your arms, I’ve found where I belong.
Every moment, every memory we’ve shared,
In the tapestry of life, you’ve always been there.

I appreciate, all the love that you give,
In a world that’s uncertain, you teach me to live.
When I’m lost in the dark, you’re the stars in my sky,
With you by my side, I know I can fly.
I appreciate, more than words can convey,
With your friendship and love, I can face each new day.

So here’s to the moments, and here’s to the times,
To the laughter, the tears, and the endless nights.
With you, I am stronger, with you, I am free,
I appreciate all you’ve given to me.

Songwriter Matt Powell
Komponist Matt Powell
Produktion Dark Sunrise

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